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Oh My!! I own a fish!!!!

EEEK as of last week I now am the 'mother' of a fish!!! Thanks to my dear friend Megan!! She decided I needed one. Then she had the nerve to tell the fish that I was going to give it a very good environment; that I was a 'wonderful' fish mommy etc.

How can I decline the fish now?? I don't want to lose my credibility in the 'fish' community. How would that look? 'Hey did you hear about that lady that refused one of 'ours' a place in her home? Who does she THINK she is? She can eat our cousins but she can't give any of us little guys a place to live free of harm?"

That is a tough one for sure! I had to keep my good standing --who knows there may be a special 'pet fish owner' award! You know how I like awards. I told Megan that John would freak when he realized he is 'parent' to a fish. Her comment was "I am not afraid of John."
You all know what a tough guy he is!! HA!!

I called our oldest grand daughter Nakiah. She is 6. It was her turn to name a new pet. Her first choice was Lenny Nettix. "Then Oma we can call him Ben for a nickname."

So please meet Ben the Blue Beta!!
John told Megan he is looking for a new Housekeeper.....one who IS afraid of him!! He just shook his head and said he was not cleaning the bowl. I think I said the same thing. Megan said she will do it when she cleans once a week.

she pats the sides of the bowl when the fish is swimming trying to get him.
She will put her head and face in the bowl but hates to get her whiskers wet so that doesn't last long.
this is her favorite viewing position. Freaks John out but I see she can't stand to put her face or paws in the water so so far it's just a game.
Hmmmmmm I am thinking here that the pet fish community will place me on the bottom of their popularity polls after they see these pictures. If there is any award given out after these pictures get out there, it will be more like: WANTED WELL BITTEN OWNER OF BEN THE BLUE BETA. HE HAS BEEN IN THERAPY FOR POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. THAT #@!!* fish owner subjected poor Ben to the daily cat and fish game......that has to be the cruelest activity since the legendary Cat and Mouse game!!

hope this brings some smiles today!!!!



Good Morning friends and family! At last! My studio is done done done.
you might want to grab a snack and drink of your choice to read this post!
John helped me empty my studio ...............most of it in the dining room...the table is covered, not to mention the floor around it!
Empty now and ready for the beautiful table!!
oh yes...can't forget all the junk piled on the kitchen table as well!
and the floor! John keeps telling me I need a separate building.
Here is one wall.....I took old apple boxes that belonged to John's great auntie and uncle and made them into bookcases. The shelf on the right my brother Neil made in jr high. He has traveled most of his life for his job so it is in my safe keeping until he retires now.
I made the throw pillows for the grand daughters when they come to visit.
They are also for my little neighbor friends that come to the door and ask if they can go in my studio and 'make art'.
This is a close up of the hearts and paper dress swaps I have participated in. I will keep adding to it until it is full. It hangs over my table.
My beautiful work table. John built it from wall to wall. It is ten feet in length and four feet wide. I have room for all of my drawing supplies plus some of my jars of 'junk' or 'stuff'.
another wall under my small tv. When we moved back in after the fire John insisted I get one so I can watch the hgtv and diy channels when I am in here working away. We also attached it to the wall so I would have more work or storage surface. It is perfect. I can always watch my shows in here when sports are on the big screen in the family room.
John bought me this cabinet and shelf unit and then put it together. I have all my big stuff in here like pasta machine for pressing clay, my hair dryer, small electric tools, light box etc. The drawers are full of my vintage doilies and lace etc. More pillows............

A view from the doorway. I bought the fabric for the table skirt but all the trims came from my stash. Remember when I would reorganize and rearrange my studio every month? I would tell John every time I LOVE it this way and he would just groan and say, 'yeah you do......until the next time you take everything out and put it back together again.'
This time I am sort of prevented to do that any more. With the table built in I can't do much moving around ha!!! Besides I really really really like it the way it is.....................all those other rearrangements were practice for the final arrangement. REALLY!!! I PROMISE!!
another view of 'stuff' the dog painting on the left was a commissioned painting of my special aunt and uncle's dogs. They were their 'children' and meant the world to them. They have long been deceased and I miss them still. My aunt's best friend and I go to lunch or coffee every month and Gwen gave this to me the last time we met. My aunt had given this to her before her death. I am very touched to have it in my posession.
My table top is 36" high so it provides so much storage underneath. I have organized and sorted lots of 'stuff' in rolling drawers. It is so easy to just roll them out to get to what I need. I have them three deep under here and am in the process of making labels with my dymo gun.
I love the skirt. It looks like ticking with small roses. All the trim was from my stash.
I had bifold doors on the closet and had John remove them. Then I took an old chenille bedspread from my stash and attached it to a shower curtain spring rod, added trim and cut it up the middle for a very nice closet curtain. I have wall to wall shelves in there as well for more stash.

I found an adjustable chair at Staples that will go high enough for the table. I ordered it in PLUM more of a pinkish than true plum but it will be perfect in here!! I can't wait to get it. Because it wasn't black or blue it is considered a special order item so may take another week to get it.
I am content to wait. I will have to put my sewing machine foot on a small stool to sew at this table but it will be fine. I also have the dining room table or kitchen table to sew on as well. Doing it in here confines the mess to just this room though.
I orginally put liquid acrylic on the top of the table. The first section dried in two days and I love it. The middle section I put on in all the snowstorms. It did not dry in some areas!!! two months later it is still wet!!! I called the manufacturer and was told it was because there was too much humidity and now it might not ever 'set'. I could 'scrape' it off and start over. Forget that. First of all it would destroy some of the pictures and notes from my grand daughters and John. Secondly, it would be a huge mess and a huge hassle.
I called the local glass shop and ordered a piece of glass 3ft x 5ft. It is a perfect surface and a big enough area to work very well in.
I think John is as excited as I am that it is now all put back together and I am working in it. I absolutely love it and him for being so involved in my creativity. He wants it perfect for me. He keeps saying 'now if you just had your chair honey....." isn't he the sweetest?
Of course all my 'art and creative stuff' is not just in this room. Oh no, I am sure I am like many of you. We have so much 'STUFF" we have to find other places to store it. I am using bins on shelves in the laundry room and one bedroom in the basement houses big bins of fabric, old cutter quilts and old clothing meant for dolls and vintage reproduction victorian ornaments. Most of those were salvaged when we had our fire. They were in one of the two rooms that were not damaged. So that was an extra gift to have those still.
When I finish the latest swaps I am in then I have to get serious about sitting down and making 'STUFF" to try to use up most of the stored
stash I have in the basement. I promised myself I cannot buy anything more like that until I make what I have up into saleable, swappable, or gift -able items. Hmm is that really a word giftable? I think if you consider yourself an artist of any medium you can make any word fit your need. Right? Ha!!

ahummmm...and that last comment about not 'gathering' any more of the old quilts, clothing etc .......................I am sure if I see a REAL bargain I just CAN"T pass up I will have to make an exception and buy it!
I mean......after all.......how could I just leave it for someone else who might make the most beautiful things out of the item? AND garage sale weather is coming soon so I have to keep that little option open.
okay I am off to 'create' beautiful things in my beautiful room. I hope today brings all of you sunshine......from without.....or within......and happy creating.


Bug Bug Go Away Plus a Tag & An Award

Hi Everyone. I have missed you all and am way behind in blog visiting.
I have had a nasty 'bug' for the last 6 days and have really felt punk. While away from the computer I received a TAG as well as an AWARD so I will start with those.
Alison from Creative Art and Craft has tagged about swaps so here goes:

1. What was your first swap?
My first swap was the 'bits and pieces' swap. We took a 9 x12" canvas and marked it into 12 squares. Then we filled the squares with 'bits' and 'pieces' of 'stuff.' I had the lovely Natasha from Artistic Creations for my partner.

2. What has been your favorite swap and why?
I honestly don't have a favorite swap. All the swaps I have been in have been fun. They have pushed my creative abilities to new depths and they have brought me so many new and wonderful friends. I actually am disappointed now when I miss a swap I didn't see until too late!!!
I think you can call it being a 'swapaholic'.

3. What has been your least favorite swap and why?
I don't have a least favorite yet. I have enjoyed all of them and don't think there will be a least favorite. I look at each of them as a challenge and a chance to learn something new.

4.What have you tried for the first time as a part of a swap?
I have tried a lot of things for the first time--the bits and pieces swap, the tussie mussies, paper dresses, altered art, tiaras, etc. With each swap I have been so excited to have learned a new technique and to make a new friend!

5. What would your fantasy swap be?.
Hmmm I would really have to think about that one. I am not sure. I think it would have to include victorian emphemera, the color pink or red and lots of doodads.

This has taken me so long to answer and put on my blog I won't pass it on but if anyone wants to grab it and go for it you are very welcome!!!


Barbara from 123lavendarlollipoplane made this award up herself:

She LOVES glitter and will glitter anything that does not move!! No I take that back------------she will glitter ANYTHING grandchildren included.

I SPARKLED someone's day! Pass this award on to people that have sparkled your day...as we all know...playing with glitter is contagious...just touch it to your day and it adds glints of light to every facet of your life and spreads throughout your being! No outfit is complete until you add the glitter!

Thank you Barb!! I am supposed to pass this on to ten deserving people: You are listed in no order of importance since you are ALL IMPORTANT to me......tee hee

1). Paula from onarainynight always sparkles my day. We grew very close in the three month 'sister' swap from the sweet goodness swap.

2). Dolly from mycherryheart sparkles my day with our shared love of hearts and the color pink!

3). Karen from Bluemuf'scorner who sparkles my day with her special friendship.

4). Marie from Marie'smuses who sparkles my day with her wonderful blog. She shares so much of her life and her DELICIOUS food recipes.

5.)kai from thepartyinkai'shead who sparkles my day with her beautiful sense of humor and zest for life.

6). Susan from Blackeyedsusan'skitchen sparkles my day with her love of hearts and her family. I love reading her blog.

7). Mica from garboodlesoup sparkles my day with her immense talent. You have to visit her blog to appreciate her art dolls.

8). Viv from viv'swhimsy sparkles my day with her enthusiasm and her beautiful bears!

9). Connie from roseporchdesigns sparkles my day with her creativity and my beautiful QUEEN tiara!!

10). Alison from creativeartandcraft sparkles my day with her sincerity and sharing her children and grandchildren with me.

PHEW it was sooo hard to pick just ten of you if anyone else wants to join in and add this to their blog and tag others please do so. Barbara would be very pleased!!!

stay tuned for pics of my studio yahooooooo it is almost DONE!


more winter storms and PRETTY MAIL!!!!!

Okay this is a verrrrrry loooooong post with lots of pics so grab yer coffee or tea or 'drink du jour' and set a spell. You need to take a break anyway!

Good Morning!!!! Today it is actually warming up and the snow is melting......melting...... mmmmmeee............................heheh I took these two nights ago after another big snowstorm dumped an additional 3-5" of snow. Until this morning many outlying communities were literally 'snowed in' and unable to go anywhere on state highways and secondary roads. The drifting and additional snow was just too much. Thursday night they actually called off the sanders and snow plows because of the terrible driving and icy conditions.
This was sooooo pretty and even blue sky earlier in the day!!
This was the night the storm showed up . A few hours before...... the snow plows showed up to actually plow our street out. the snow was 1-2' deep where people don't drive.
I took this picture and had to keep the lens open so it is blurry sorry.

But you can see the mounding snow against the fence.

My metal hand molds along the front pathway.
a very long icicle-----------------------just wanted to share. How many of your rememeber when you were younger and we would break icicles off as long as we could get them and pretend they were popsicles or better yet have sword fights with our friends and siblings?? This pretty icicle reminded me of those days.
the snow is actually about two feet deep in our back yard They say this is the LAST winter storm and the temps for the next four days are highs in the 40ish range so..... who knows.......................spring may be at the end of the 'big thaw'!!!!

NOW FOR THE MAIL IN THE LAST TEN DAYS OR SO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what can make a person happier than having the mail lady ring the bell and say..................another package for you today!!!!!?
These hands are from my dear friend Shannon and her daughter Nat.

They are carved and have a very pretty finish. She knows how I love hands and sent these for a late bd/christmas gift. I can't wait to display them.

I am thinking they would be very pretty in the bathroom with a small picture of grandchildren hanging from the fingers and nestled in the palm????? maybe that is the perfect thing!!!

The " altered heart box swap" hosted by Maria @ the junkkdrawer brought my partner Kim from vintagemehemmedinprayer to my life. What a fun lady and great Mom. She took this metal heart tin and decorated it in such a fun way!! I love it!!! She really picked up on what I love. Then she filled it with all these wonderful 'treasures'. Thank you so much KIM!!!
This swap had us making a recipe 'page' and sending them to Karla and Beth who made covers for 42 booklets. Then they put them together for each of us participants and mailed them off to us.
All the covers were different and that is mine. Here are two pages of the recipe booklet. All the recipes look sooo yummy and it will be so fun to try each of them out. PLUS we each have 42 pages of art from everyone!! What a special gift!!!
My friend Shannon included this beautiful heart in her package with the hands she sent me. It is hanging in the kitchen where John and I can see it every day. THANK YOU SHANNON AND NAT. We LOVE you so much.
IN the Hanging Heart Swap sponsored by the Sweet Goodness Swaps
I had Anina from twiddletails for my partner. If you are a quilter or just love quilts you have to look at the work on her site. She is AWESOME.

She made this hanging heart garland for me and it incorporates all the colors in our main family room. I am NOT going to take this down after Valentine's day but will keep it up. Hearts symbolize love to me and I like to have them 'hanging around'.

Anina also hand made this pretty pink heart out of wool. The dark pink is the same wall color here in my studio so it will hang in here. I am going to hang all the fun small things from swaps on a garland chain across my window above the work table.
Dolly from mycherryheart sponsored a vintage valentine swap that was supposed to incorporate hearts. My partner for this was Connie from connielivingbeautifully. She made me this QUEEN tiara!!It is so sweet. John was home the day I got it and we were picking up around the house and I put this on to 'cheer the chores'. He loved it and wanted to get a picture of me wearing it so..... take a close look......I don't like my picture taken.
Connie also made this very pretty hanging 'rose' for me. It is so pink and so me!!!

Here is another view of the altered heart tin from Kim. I got the pictures out of order when downloading all of these!!! whew. I will post pics of the 'art' I sent my partners when I know for sure they have all received them.I don't want to spoil their surprise!!!
THANK YOU all of you lovely ladies for your beautiful art. They all have special memories of new friendships and I will think of you often when I am admiring them time and time again.
happy art!!!!!!!



This past week brought three major snowfalls. Our schools were closed for and entire week. Thursday (yesterday) the governor declared much of the state an emergency. In our fair city all state highways were drifted closed and people could not travel far due to the terrible road conditions. Not only did we have snow and more snow, we had winds and drifting as well. They couldn't even get snow plows out. These are pictures of after one snowfall and before. You don't see the flowers but the day before you did.

Here is Callie walkingON TOP of the snow. It was pretty iced over and of course she is not so heavy. You can click on it for a close up of her prowess.
This above picture was taken this afternoon. The temps warmed up to almost 40 today after several weeks of near to sub zero weather at night and teens to 20's during the day. Snow was melting from the bottom and lowering the snow level. The first sunlight in several weeks.
more before one snowfall and after. We are supposed to get another 4-6" this weekend with falling temps so whatever melts today will soon be replaced. This is the first 'normal' winter we have had in a decade.

I actually ventured out today with John to run errands and took my handy dandy walker with me. Most parking lots were full of several inches of ice under slush and snow. As long as John was there to help me get to the bare sidewalks or store entrances I was okay.
I hope those of you who are yearning for snow get enough to 'wet your whistle' and not and over abundance. For those of you who have more than enough like us please take care when out and about........some people do not realize that ice plus snow +wind= poor and dangerous driving conditions and many DO NOT stop for yellow or even red lights.
Sighing.......... four wheel drive or just a bigger vehicle does NOT give you immunity from accidents. I think some people are missing the 'common sense' gene. hee