I am sitting here with a hot cup of coffee. Won't you join me? It is once again snowing and snowing and snowing. Poor John is out shoveling after two week's reprieve. This winter is reminiscent of those I grew up with. I don't remember all the grumbling but who does when you are so busy playing in it?
It was really melting A LOT......but Mother Nature knows best......or just shaking out the last dredges of winter. We have had big flooding and robins are out and about.
Did you see the movie FROZEN with the goofy snowman OLAF?
Well, he moved in down the road a bit just after Christmas.
He is 22 ft tall and took an entire month to construct. His features are made out of plywood and a tomato cage for a nose. And yes, the family had to 'borrow' snow from elsewhere to have enough.
We talked to the owners and they said they had a family meeting one evening to figure out a service project. Now they build a new character every winter. They spot light it at night. They take your picture if they are home when you happen by.
John and I couldn't resist. There is a donation bucket and the proceeds go to a local camp for kids who have a parent with cancer. I find great JOY in that. I applaud this family for their ingenuity and generosity.
I started volunteering at a woman's Union Gospel Health Clinic one day a week. I needed to get outside of my health issues and focus on those less fortunate. I have been there a month and am enjoying it. The women are in a 2 year program for addictions so are long term residents.
I am learning a lot about displaced women and children and I thought I was smart enough to understand........God is at work in all of us........So HE made me open my mouth and at the end of the clinic it is time for the live in kids to get out of school......five of them.....so am doing art with them.
The Joy I am looking for is always right in front of me.
Tulips and Daffodils have been on display in the stores. They call out and I have to get a new bouquet every week.........They make me smile and I know Spring is beckoning around the corner.
Whatever your weather....I hope you are warm and cozy.....and your love is always reflected back to you.

I'm very eager for spring and spring flowers. It sure looks like you have a lot more snow than we do, although our winter isn't over yet! Your volunteer experience sounds very rewarding and wonderful. I admire that. And hope you are feeling well.
What a great idea for a service project! Love the photo of you and John. :)
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