1). John delivered our #3 child Bethany at home in our bathroom. I had five contractions from start to finish in about 45 minute time period!!
I was two weeks overdue. His first comment when I laid down and said the "baby is coming right now" was, "Honey I see black hair and it isn't yours!" i had him use a bulb syringe from the drawer to suck her nose and mouth out when he hesitated --------------------after i asked him if the baby was breathing. She immediately slipped right out and i sat up to hold her.
she is now 29 and the amazing mother of two daughters of her own.
She was the easiest labor and delivery of all four!!!!
2) For my 50th birthday I got a tweety bird tattoo on my right hip!! Two of my daughters were with me for moral support! Our son said "mom when you are 80 he is going to turn into Big Bird! ( let me tell you, our family is never short on humor! ":)
3) I love hearts!! I used to have an entire wall of them and lost them in the house fire. I have started slowly reaccumulating different ones.
4). My favorite junk food craving is bbq potato chips and sour cream!
I try to eat the baked ones and the low fat sour cream of course!!!!
BUT there are times only the real thing will do.
5). I am madly in love with my beautiful granddaughters!! whenever i get together with any of them I try to have an art project for us to work on. I want to be around to teach them all to sew and make 'stuff'.
6). I am one of the original 'sob sisters'. I can even cry at a soppy commerical. John and I are two of a kind .
7). I love entertaining. I love to cook and visit with friends and family.
the fun part is decorating and deciding on a theme.
Now for seven others to bestow this honor on:
Marie @ Marie's Muses Her blog is so delicious! Paula@ onarainynight blog is a brand new stay at home mom with a day care. The wonderful
Dolly at frommycherryheart. She is also hosting a Valentine swap you might want to check out if you haven't signed up yet. Go visit Heidi @ the spiritual knitter. I love her straightforward style and her faith. SKip on over to Sassafras and Lulu and introduce yourself to new blogger Carol.
My good friend Karen @BlueMuf's Corner is as genuine as can be and collects old victorian pocketbooks. Mica @ Gar-boodlesSoup wows everyone with her one of a kind dolls and homeschools her children.
Thank you once again Susan!!
Oh no, a house fire?? I'm so sad to hear that. What an awful thing, I know I would be just heartbroken.
And a home birth??? You've had an eventful life!
but for the rest of the list, We are pretty much in sync, fun stuff.
Hi Catie, Thank you for the award. I loved reading your list of 7 and I will come up with hopefully a good list.
Hugs Karen
What a fun list (except the fire, of course!). I love that your a "sob sister"...too funny!
Thank you so much for the award. I'll try to post my 7 things by the end of the week...
Pop over to my site for a book give-away this week. Bring your friends!!
oh wow Catie, I am humbled that you have thought to bestow this award on me and now my brain is scrambling to try to find seven things about me that I haven't already confessed! haha. You are a special lady Catie, but then I suspect that you may already know that. My sister got a pretty blue ribbon tattooed on the small of her back on her 50th birthday and I remember telling her that one day the nurses in the care home are going to be telling all the other nurses about the old lady down the hall with the really wierd birthmark in the crack of her arse. I don't have any tattoos but have always secretly wanted one, just am not brave enough to go for it! I wish I had known you loved hearts when we did our swap! I'll try to do you proud on this one Catie!
Thanks so much for the honorable award Catie! I consider it an honor to be listed on your site. It may take me a couple days to accept it properly and complete my list on my site, however that seems to be no problem for my family, since when I mentioned the 7 random or weird facts about me...they say they have no problem volunteering the "weird" info. about if necessary...LOL
hugs & blessings, sorry you were sick over the holidays!!!
carol/Sassafras & Lulu
I am sooo glad that I tagged you! That is a fabulous list. I love the story of your daughters birth. I also have a thing for hearts..I hope that you are following my blog this month, because there is a heart a day on it. Susan
Wow, that's some birth story! Sorry I missed your give-away. I was out of town and away from the blogs.
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